Look out Andrea! Here it comes again!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I Once Had a Dream

Money to name-$262
Total of bills that need to be paid-$763

Although to be fair $580 of that is rent that's not due for another three days. I still have plenty of time. My next pay check is Thursday and is going to be maybe $150, so I'm fairly hopeful that I can keep the lights and/or phone working. Not that anyone ever calls me, but it's good to have the option open I guess.
My parents are my landlords so the main repercussion of not paying all the rent is the rise of parental nagging, a thing I like to avoid as much as I can, but then who doesn't? Hours at Reebok are starting to pick up after a long winter, next week I'm working roughly thirty five. I haven't worked that many since September. I'll probably manage to get by for the time being assuming I cut eating out of my budget. I hate eating. It's a waste of time and money, but I'm stuck doing it.
The thing is I once had a dream. A dream of being able to afford a nice thing to occupy my time. A Playstation 3, or a new laptop complete with Starcraft 2. I realize I would have to save up money for these things, but I was confident if I put away ten or twenty dollars a week I could pull it off sooner or later. Most likely much, much later.
I was able to do that for about two weeks last summer, but that planned got scraped when I needed to stay "warm" for the winter. (Warm is in quotes because three of my four medications I'm stuck on forever give me chills. I'd be nearly shivering in a 100 degree hot tub.) I had to exhaust my savings in March and now the ship that was affording nice things has sailed, been attacked by pirates, and the crew's bodies chopped into small squares and fed to sharks.
I need a new revenue source. Perhaps a new job that pays better. Reebok is a fun place to work, but it's not paying the bills as much as I'd like.
I'll have to think up something. Any ideas?

The Toilet's Fairly New to...

I was standing naked in my bathroom plunging the toilet this afternoon (the toilet recently stopped working as the tank doesn't refill when flushed. I discovered that if you take the top off and push down this small handle looking thing it works-ish.) and I remembered that I have this site. It had mostly slipped my mind and as I've been busy with work and such I haven't done anything with it.
I spent the next twenty minutes of toilet plunging (that's about average for me. My intestines and medications don't get along) thinking how in this site's first (and now defunct) incarnation I really wasn't doing what I needed to be doing. I was a bit lost and trying to be something that I'm not too good at.
Before deleting all the old entries I skimmed through them and tried to put my finger on what exactly that was, but I still can't come up with anything. In any event, when I was finally done with the toilet (I do enjoy that sense of perverse accomplishment when I finally hear that muffled gushing noise and the water, color depending what how much bleach was applied to plunger beforehand, goes surging away. I really feel good about life and that I've earned the shower I'm about to take.) I decided to take another shot at this blog.
My main focus is going to be my constant struggle my personal finances and health. Both go hand in hand so well that it seems appropriate. Also, I'm going to try to be me more. Before I think I was trying to cater towards...someone and the result was wishy-washy. I hope to censor myself less and just write or do what I want to.
This at times may not be a very pleasant, enjoyable thing, but June 6th isn't pleasant or enjoyable for me so it should stand to reason that The Sixth of June isn't either.
So, let's see where this takes me.